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chassis number中文是什么意思

用"chassis number"造句"chassis number"怎么读"chassis number" in a sentence


  • 底盘号


  • And the chassis number of the special purpose vehicle which the applicant will drive
  • A total of 15 left - handed drive vehicles valued at about $ 7 . 5 million were found . six of them had the chassis numbers altered
  • Ensure that the chassis number vin shown in the registration document is legible and stamped onto the chassis or main structure
  • Trailer chassis number identification vecon - chassis vecon - chassis is designed to recognize and record trailer chassis numbers
    拖车底盘号码识别慧光底盘号码自动识别系统vecon chassis是设计用来识别和记录货柜车底盘号码。
用"chassis number"造句  
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